Creative Arts Group

Monday, October 23, 2006

Film Group?

I attended a film group last weekend with one of our Creative Arts Group members. It's a "private", once a month group that meets in the homes of members. They choose a current film and spend an evening discussing the opinions and thoughts regarding the movie. It was a very organized, friendly, respectful way to talk about the film that included everyone (if they chose) to participate.

Although anyone in the group is welcome to suggest the movie for the next meeting, two specific members are "The Committee" to actually select the film and inform everyone as to what the movie will be (in advance enough from the date of the next meeting so everyone can get out to the theatre to SEE it). The meeting that I attended was a review on "The Last King of Scotland".

It was a spectacular film -- but this BLOG is not to tell you about the movie -- but to throw the idea out there that we could come up with some type of Movie Critique Group that could be incorporated with our Creative Arts Group.

Since our meetings will be starting back up again the end of next month, maybe we could talk about having a film critique night every third meeting or so.

Just some thoughts for future meetings.


Blogger Stacey said...

I can't wait for the group to start meeting again!

8:25 PM  

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