Creative Arts Group

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


It's been a few months since Jerry brought in his "junk art" made from unusual items (check April 5 archives) -- but now, he's been experimenting with clay!

The "serpent" that's coming up out of the wood is actually formed around a tin can. Jerry doesn't work from an idea to create a piece......... he begins creating the piece, then gets the idea as the clay takes shape.

The Knight is climbing the chest of the dragon -- sword raised -- to slay it. The clay itself will lighten in color as it dries completely. Detail work will be enhances as the colors change.

Another cool note about this piece is the offset location of the Dragon Slayer on the wood. Unusual placement -- but very dramatic because of it's obscurity!

Right now, the piece is a table-top sculpture. Jerry is also considering putting a type of hanger on the back to make it a wall-mounted piece.

Join us at the next Creative Arts Group meeting on the 25th to try your hand at clay work!

No pressure to join in on the physical part of the art -- ANYONE is welcome to attend, discuss and enjoy the company of other artists.


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