Creative Arts Group

Friday, August 11, 2006


Now that they've turned off the heat and cranked up the fans, we're having much more comfortable meetings at the Dondero mezzanine. Those of you that attended our first few meetings will remember how HOT and humid the pool lobby gets -- but with the huge fans pumping up a breeze, we're enjoying our gatherings in cool comfort.

Speaking of cool -- Jerry brought three new pieces of his artwork to tonight's group (pix to come soon). A man made of wood, a spider made of wire and a dragon being slain by a knight -- both made from clay. More details when we have the pix ready.

For our meeting on August 25, we're going to attempt our first Hands-On Project. Jerry has volunteered to bring the clay and we're going to test our creativity! If you've ever wondered if you can sculpt.......... come give it a try.

Mark the 25th on your calendar -- you don't want to miss this one.


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