Creative Arts Group

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Alison's sculpture of a woman transformed many times as she worked. Alison sees an image in her mind and begins from the base to build and change the piece as it forms.

Jerry's "man & beast" began as a dog sort of animal -- then morphed into an ant eater type of thing -- then grew giraffe knobules -- then turned into THAT. The man riding the beast also took many different shapes before it came to rest on the animal's back.

Terence had his TV vision and stuck with it from the start. The creepy hand bursting from the screen is profound as to how TV grabs and holds us (my own interpretation -- Terence didn't actually say that).

Sarah's "Spike-Headed Creature" began as a snowman version of Abe Lincoln -- grew legs and a tail and transformed into the armless creature you see. Why no arms?............ "Arms are for squares!" (Sarah quote)

There were other pieces being worked on that we didn't get shots of. Joseph created a "Kingdom of Spikes". Becky formed a mannequin leg and a women in an evening gown. And Caleb worked on a pair of legs.

It was so cool to watch everyone squeeze, mold, change and transform their clay from shape to shape until it became something they were pleased with.


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