Creative Arts Group

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rain Chant

Chris and Rob made great use of the sound system last night! Using the microphone to emphasize the deeper drum gave their playing a different dimension. I attempted to join in by keeping the beat with a maraca-type shaker -- very cool mix of African and Indian sounds. It was resembling a pretty cool rain-chant -- although I'd hate to think that tornado-ish weather last night was on our account.

Let's get other instruments to add more flavor to the pot!

Jerry brought a few of his pieces of artwork. He refers to them as "Junk Art" because that's what they're made from -- scraps and parts of left-over metal, wire and rods -- to result in sculptures.

As Donnie mentioned, Jerry's work is especially cool because he takes the time to actually create the thing that we all might see in a scrap of metal... "Hey, that hunk looks like a hand!"... Well, Jerry actually finds a way to MAKE that hunk into a hand. "Junk Art" Very cool! Pix to come soon..........


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